Live And Live Well – A Declaration of Life

Today I pray that God will give you the wisdom to appropriate the Blood of Jesus over your life and everything else that concerns you. Because of the blood that you have appropriated over your life, I declare that the death angel is going to pass-over you and all that concerns you. In this season death will not reign over you, instead life will reign.

By the blood of Jesus I cancel every death assignment over your life. You will not die before your appointed time. You are going to live. You are going to see the goodness of God and testify of him in the land of the living. Your days will not be shortened by the powers of darkness nor because of foolishness or ignorance.

In the name of Jesus I cancel every ordinance of death that has been written against you by the powers of darkness. By the Spirit of the living God I declare that every arrow of death and destruction shot against you is being sent back to where it came from.

I declare that today, when they call up your name in their chants, incantations and project your image and likeness on mirrors of death, the Blood of Jesus and the fire of God will answer and silence them.

Today, I declare that the Blood of Jesus is not only covering you, it is warring on your behalf against your adversaries. Not only that, but the blood is also speaking greater things concerning you.

In the name of Jesus your enemies will testify of the might and power of the God that you serve. He is your shield and your defender.

You are not going to die but you are going to live and live well.
Amen! Amen! ans Amen!