She is not a Concubine

A political party cannot legislate on spiritual matters. They have not been set up as a governmental authority over the church. It is the church of Jesus Christ built on the foundations of the Apostles and the Prophets and not on political platforms. The church is not built with political agendas or a political party as its chief cornerstone but Christ alone as the Chief Cornerstone.

The church has an ecclesiastical order, Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers and Evangelists, and not a political order. Once a church marries herself to a political party she will lose the right to legislate on spiritual affairs. Why? Because, inevitably overtime, the party agenda will become more important than the kingdom agenda. The church becomes a concubine to the political party. It ceases to promote the singularity of the kingdom agenda, and becomes a vehicle to drive a political agenda. Pulpits become podiums and platforms for political campaigns.

We know that many may not agree with our position but look through-out church history and see the destructive outcome of this ungodly union. The problem of regarding the church as an extension of a political party fights against the mission of the kingdom. This is why it is important to have separation between church and state.

Why is it that way?

Simple, people usually come to the conclusion that if they attend your church they are by default members of the political party that has deemed the church as an extension of its base. We, the church, should not speak on behalf of political parties. We should always speak from the position of truth. We must be able to call out all the unbiblical positions that are espoused by political parties without being accused of biases. If we do not then call-out these unbiblical positions, we foster an environment in which the agenda of the kingdom becomes subject to political preferences and agendas. We are not advocating for the church not to be involved in politics, far from it. We must be involved in the political process, as long as we stand for the Truth (Word of God) and not as a concubine of a political party.

Allowing ourselves to be established as the base of a political party – or to be married to be a particular party – limits us from having a frank discussion and holding accountable the political conversation to the standards of the kingdom on either side of the political discourse.

May we insert this reminder, we are the Church of Jesus Christ – solidly standing on the Word of God – with no desire to push a political agenda, or to be a concubine to a political party. We are the salt and light in the earth.

There is a new generation of church leadership that should and is rising up in this hour. A generation of leadership that refuses to be divided on political lines. We understand, we are united by one blood and that is the Blood of Jesus. We have a greater assignment and call upon our lives which, cannot be sacrificed on the altars of political correctness or affiliation. Yes we will vote, but not strictly on party lines but according to the Word of God. We are a generation of leaders that are not moved by political rhetoric, flowery words and empty promises but we are driven by the Word of our God and His Spirit.

What’s our objective in writing this discourse. Simple, we are advocating for the church to stop being a concubine to political parties and political platforms. We want the church to stand for what is right and what is true. THE WORD OF GOD.

This is not about politics but it’s about the kingdom.
John 17:17
Matthew 10:7-8
Matthew 6:33
Ephesians 2: 19 – 22