The mind is where our thoughts are housed, nurtured, and developed. The womb of the spirit is the part of us that receives the spiritual ideas, thoughts, and the life of God for spiritual growth and transformation.

The womb of your soul is that place where your emotions and feelings are nurtured, matured, and built up to produce desires and passions for life.

You have a womb of invention, which is the place where creative ideas are conceived and birthed to discover and produce things that change our life and productivity in many significant ways. A sacred womb is God’s space to reveal Himself in your life. The world may call it barren, but God calls it blessed!

In this book, you will understand the dynamics and characteristics of sacred wombs. Expect to be equipped with strategies and steps that will take you from barrenness into fruitfulness in every area of your life.

I know your life will never be the same as you step into a new realm of revelation and realization of fruitfulness by the power of God!