The Yoke of a false prophetic word

Date: October 29, 2015/Comments: 0

Deliverance from the yoke of a false prophetic word
In this prayer you will understand what a false prophetic word does in the life of a person. This prayer addresses such prophetic words and how God is breaking its yoke over the life of a believer. You sometimes get to a place where you are so disappointed because what you thought was going to come to pass did not happen. Its not that the prophetic word has been delayed, it just was not a prophetic word from God but a word from the kingdom of darkness to keep you in bondage.

God will deliver you from its power. You will not longer spend your precious faith believing for a word that God has not spoken over you. You will not be a cash cow for the false prophets that have brought you into bondage.

Main Scriptures for this prayer

2 Peter 1

2 Peter 2

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