These four:

  • Birth
  • Death
  • Burial
  • Resurrection

had to be, otherwise The law and The Prophets would not have been fulfilled

The Lamb, which Abraham and Isaac’s story shadowed, laid it all down so that you and I would be reconciled with our maker.

He was without sin (spotless) as one testified, “I find no fault in him.” Why? Because he had to be examined. The law required it.

Like a Lamb to the slaughter he was led, for the Prophets had declared so generations before he stepped into time.

He had to be alive (one aspect of the resurrection) for no dead man can enter into the Holy place to offer up his blood on the Mercy seat!

What more can we say in conclusion. HE IS RISEN, HE IS RISEN INDEED! WHAT A SAVIOR, WHAT A REDEEMER.

#iampastorp #profitable2you