
I am not ashamed of the womb that carried me

I am not ashamed of the vessel that gave birth to me.

The one that nursed me, & taught me how to be a man
Who Washed me when I was unclean

A vessel that knew the meaning of my cry even when I had no words to utter

One that eased my pain when I could not bear it.

I am not ashamed of the one that knew me and loved me when I was just a son

I am not ashamed of the one that was ridiculed because she carried me in her womb
One who was despised because she had me for a son

The one who knew I could be somebody when others thought and said otherwise

To the woman who cried in my despair and yet had the wisdom to let me know that it was going to be ok

Who rejoiced greatly at all my achievements no matter how small.

I have disappointed, many times, have not always been at my best but I have always been her best

I was her son, I am her son, and will always be her son.

I am not ashamed!

A grateful and greatful son

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