A Prayer and a Half
We hope that this prayer will be a blessing to you. The anointing of Jabez […]
My Anchor Holds
Standing on the Rock, My anchor holds. Keep standing on Christ, this too shall come […]
He Still Works Wonders
God still works wonders. You do well to still believe. We hope this prayer will […]
Keep on Believing
No matter what season of life you find yourself in remember that God is, so you have every reason to keep on believing. May you be blessed as much as we were blessed through this prayer
Doors of Significance
God will open great doors in your life. There are also doors of significance that come at times when great doors open.
Your Transformation – He will Deliver you
God can change the situation and sometimes he will just change you. This way the situation will no longer be able to control you.
Healing Grace
This is the day that the Lord has made, you will rejoice and be glad in it because of the healing grace that has been released
God Will Do it Again – He is God and he does not change
What a time of prayer we had in this hour of prayer as God reminded us that he is never changing – the things that he did in the days of old he will do again. Remember how he enlarged Jabez’s territory, how he preserved Joseph whilst he was in Egypt, and how he favored Esther in her days. He will do it again for you.
You will see what God has promised
The fullness of time will come and you will see what God has promised. You […]