SpiritualWarfare – Deployment Strategies – Session #01

Understand. Engage and Overcome

Psalm 144:1 – teaches to fight
Ephesians 6 – we wrestle, not against flesh and blood

5 important things to know about spiritual warfare
1- Purpose
2- Strategy
3- Identity
4- Weaponry
5- Unity
(Prayer – Our weapon for warfare – Dr. Heard – http://www.ctab.org/sermons/prayer-our-weapon-for-warfare/)

Identity is Crucial In Spiritual Warfare
1. Know your God – Relationship
2. Know who you are – Comes by Revelation (Know your God and You will know who you are)
3. Know your enemy

The three heavens
1. First heaven – where you have the stars and the galaxies etc
2. Second heaven – where darkness has set its kingdom
3. Third Heaven – God’s abode

The two kingdoms
1. The Kingdom of Light – The Kingdom of God
2. The Kingdom of darkness – The kingdom of Satan

The Objectives of the kingdoms
1. To manifest heaven on earth
2. To have rulership and expression of their respective kingdoms in the earth

The two expressions – According to John 10:10
1. The Kingdom of Light – Life, Life Abundantly -(Light)
2. The Kingdom of Darkness – Death – darkness

Legal Right
1. legal rights are required for the expression to be created/ manifested
2. men will give permission to the kingdom
“Let thy kingdom come, and thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”

The process of sin (How the devil gets permission)
lust/desires + temptation = conception (when there is acceptance)
conception + time (gestation) = birth (sin is birthed)
Sin + time =  Death (maturity of sin) [stronghold in time]

The Process of Sin

Finally concerning sin
1. It does not suffer old age
2. it does not suffer death
3. it will not leave because you are ignoring it
4. the only way to deal with it is repentance

If you do not repent, you are allowing it to mature and death (an total expression of the kingdom of darkness) will be fully established -becomes a stronghold
The enemy has legal rights and can do whatever he wants  in your life and sphere on influence

You cannot win this war if you have allowed sin or darkness to reign in and over your life. Before you bind and rebuke (lol) the devil deal with you by accepting the Lordship of Jesus Christ and REPENT

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