Teachers of Sin

Brothers and sisters, you do not know which way the tide will turn in your affairs. One day you are on top and the other other you are in the valley.

Live life with the knowledge that your days are numbered. There is one who is in charge of all the things things that you are appointed to do.

Be weary of those who deceive you and encourage you to do that which is evil. The devil deceived and encouraged Adam and Eve to sin. Consider the curse and judgments that came upon them all.

Are you encouraging or teaching others to sin? Remember these words, ‘I say what I hear my father say’. Now consider the inference and be warned. By encouraging or teaching others to sin, you are declaring satan to be your daddy!

What is the cost of selling your soul to be an agent of misery for another. Why avail yourself to foolishness by offering sacrifices to the god of the age.

You teach what you believe and being a good teacher of what you believe does not make what you believe right.