The Heart of God: He grieved even for us who rejoiced

We proudly rejoiced as our brothers perished in sin. We deemed our sins better than theirs. We concluded they deserved such an end for their wickedness. In our rejoicing, we heard a sobbing voice—God grieving over His sons and daughters.

In our reasoning, we thought He grieved only for those who perished. Yet the truth was, He grieved even for us who rejoiced.

The perishing of another did not move our hearts to compassion and prayer. Instead, we reveled in a false sense of superiority, blind to the shared humanity and frailty that binds us all.

Tell me, which father would rejoice at the death of his children? Which father would find joy in the display of a lack of understanding from his offspring? A father’s heart is one of love, mercy, and enduring hope. A true father mourns for the lost and the blind alike, yearning for their return to wisdom and love.

Learn the heart of God! Lament even for the sinner, for in doing so, you might just redeem your own cause. True compassion and prayer for others are the pathways to spiritual growth and enlightenment. The heart of God does not rejoice in punishment but seeks redemption and reconciliation for all His children.

In our moment of judgment, let us remember the essence of divine love. It calls us to humility, to recognize our own flaws, and to extend grace to others. It calls us to pray for the lost, to weep for the fallen, and to strive for a world where every soul is valued and loved.

For it is in understanding and embodying this divine compassion that we truly become instruments of God’s will on earth. We transform not only ourselves but also the world around us, creating a tapestry of love, forgiveness, and unity.