Who are you?

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…”
Proverbs 23:7 KJV

This phrase, at the minimum, can be viewed from two perspectives. The first one being the way that we think – the process. The second perspective being the nature of the thoughts we contemplate and embrace.

“So is he…” speaks of identity or result. Meaning we are the result of the way we think and the things that we think and agree to.

Briefly I want to focus on the second part of our contemplations. It does not speak of us being what we think our thoughts are but being who our thoughts are.

Thinking that our thoughts are wise does not mean that there are wise thoughts. By extension regarding these thoughts as wisdom does not mean that we are wise either.

It speaks of the nature of our thoughts. The bible says in another verse ‘a fool has said in his heart there is no God’. He is convinced in his heart that this is wisdom. However it does not make him a wise man but more so a fool. Why? Because of the nature of the thought and the conclusion he has deemed palatable with his heart has been classed as foolishness.

Our level of investment in a thought does not change the nature of that thought. We might invest significant amounts of time, money, energy and other resources into a thought but its nature will not change. It might change our perception of that thought but the nature of that thought will remain the same.

The nature of the people who introduced us to a thought does not alter the nature of a thought. The popularity or un-popularity of a thought does not change its nature or how it is classed either.

Who then is qualified to qualify the nature of a thought? Certainly not the one who is thinking it but the one who classifies all thought. Who qualifies and categorizes thought? Certainly not men. God qualifies all our mentations!

What God has called foolishness will always be foolishness. What he has classed as wisdom will always be wisdom.

Who are you based on the classification of your cogitations?